In Unusual Move, Romney Bars Reporters At Fundraiser In Israel
What will Romney be saying that he doesn't want Americans at home to hear? Secret plans for war with Iran? Disparaging comments about the president while overseas? Support for Bush era personnel and...
View ArticleNRA Supporter Shoots His Kids, Himself In Mass.
I'm tired of pretending the NRA and rightwing zealotry don't matter. It matters. DA: Mass. Dad Shoots 2 Kids, 1 Fatally, Kills SelfA man who had recently separated from his wife shot his two children,...
View ArticleTeam Romney Promises Israel They Can Start War With Iran If He's Elected
It's time for America to wake up out of its slumber. Yes, Obama has kept us safe, but Cheney's NeoCons are back. And they just publicly told Israel that they can start a war with Iran if Romney is...
View ArticleRomney Alienates/Infuriates Palestinian Leaders
Romney seems to have forgotten (or rather he probably just couldn't possibly care less) that there are ramifications to his words in the region. As most responsible world leaders are aware, there's...
View ArticleRomney's Pork Barrel Embassy In Jerusalem
So how much would Romney's porkfilled promise to Israel cost US taxpayers? $500 million dollars? $750 million dollars? A billion dollars?If Romney loves spending taxpayer dollars to replace buildings...
View ArticleDeputy Sec Def for Middle East: Romney "Struck Out Playing Tee Ball"
Former Sec Def Robert Gates' (yes, also Bush Sr's Robert Gates) deputy in the Middle East had this to say about Romney: Former deputy assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East Colin Kahl said...
View ArticleMitt Romney, Please Explain Your Theory To Me
Mitt Romney, please explain for the listening audience how this theory of yours on culture works. It sounds awfully racist to those of us not familiar with your universe of thinking, but let's give you...
View ArticleDana Bash Transcript: Her Source Knows Reid's Source
From Judd Legum:Bash: I did speak, have to tell you, I did speak to one source close to senator Reid that claims to also know who the Bain investor is that Sen. Reid spoke with, insists it is a...
View ArticleThe So Called "Sputtering" Economy Is Really "Morning In America"
These are the kinds of things we read from fair and balanced journalists while Democrats are in the White House: WASHINGTON — The latest jobs report means the economic shape of the presidential...
View ArticleBan NRA Members From Your Life
This is a diary for people who want to ban guns but who live in a country where that's not possible. It's for people who are tired of being terrorized by those who are members of organizations that...
View ArticleNBC: Suspected Terrorist Had White Supremacist Views, Former Military
From NBC: Officials told NBC News the suspect, who served in the U.S. Army, had many tattoos. The suspect had some kind of radical or white supremacist views but, as far as officials said they had...
View ArticleF*** Gun Owners, and guess who just got banned
FuckGun owners.Fuck their HR's.Fuck their clubby bullshit.Banned, for the obvious reason. Susan Gardner
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